What is Vitamin C?

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential water-soluble micronutrient that has had a dramatic influence on world history. Naval and sea battles have literally been won and lost based on the numbers of the naval forces sick with scurvy (severe Vitamin C deficiency).

    The amount of vitamin C that you take in your diet may not guarantee a benefit for your skin. If you’re body is using vitamin C in other bodily processes, such as fighting infection, then those processes will take precedence over maintaining a beautiful skin. Rather than ‘compete’ with other body systems for vitamin C, it’s better to feed the skin directly with a topical form, such as a serum or even pure powder. It helps you to directly reap the skin benefits of vitamin C.

    Why should I add Vitamin C into my skincare routine?

    Long story short, an enzyme known as tyrosinase assists the skin in melanin production, and melanin is responsible for darkening the skin; vitamin C specifically works as a tyrosinase inhibitor, so when you apply it topically, it serves as a brightener. It similarly works to prevent and treat photo-damage and dark spots caused by UV exposure. In general, vitamin C has antioxidant properties and encourages collagen synthesis, making it a boon for healthy, glowing skin.

    How does Vitamin C work on skin? What skin concerns does it target?

    Vitamin C naturally exists in skin. As we age, the level of Vitamin C in the outer layer of the skin reduces. The depleted source of Vitamin C coupled with the impacts of sun exposure, pollution and other environmental factors directly impact the visible signs of aging. These include:

    – Fine lines and wrinkles
    – Age spots, dark spots and hyperpigmentation
    – Uneven skin tone
    – Loss of firmness and brightness

    How should I add in Vitamin C into my skincare routine?

    Adding Vitamin C into your skincare routine helps target these skin concerns by targeting uneven skin tone, redness and discoloration and working to help brighten dull-looking skin. Vitamin C also helps to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, helping skin appear firmer.

    The best time to apply your vitamin C serum is in the morning after cleansing and before moisturizing or sunscreen application. Think of it as providing antioxidant defense for your face before facing the demands of the day.  Wait a few minutes before applying moisturizer or sunscreen.

    Can Retinol and Vitamin C be used together?

    Retinol and its derivatives are commonly used ingredients for brighter, more even skin tones. Retinol also targets the visible signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles, texture and firmness. Vitamin C and Retinol formulated together make a skin brightening power product that also helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When using these two ingredients, make sure they’re formulated together to ensure their safety and efficacy. Often times, the formulas will also contain other ingredients to help soothe and strengthen skin.




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